The beginning

The beginning


I'm Joe, and in the snapshot above, that's me four years ago, beaming with joy on the side of a mountain.

I look happy as Larry in this picture, and that's because I was. This was my first wildcamp, on the side of the Great Gable, just next to Scafell Pike. I'd just hauled up my 18kg pack (not including food or water) wearing steel toe cap boots and lots of cotton clothing. All were choices I'd soon come to regret, much like the camping gas that was incompatible with my stove. 

So I was a little ill equipped and very naïve, but I had a cracking time. I'd hiked for three days in one of the most magical parts of the world and I was bitten by the bug. Wild camping would soon become my getaway. I was definitely roughing it back then, I had no mat whatsoever to sleep on. Luckily it was a warm July week but it was a soggy one at best. All those soaked cotton clothes must of added a few kilos to my pack. 

Since then, my journey has taken me on countless solo treks, shared wild camps, and everything in between. Along the way, I've honed essential skills: learning to orienteer, refining my hiking technique, and shedding unnecessary weight from my pack. Streamlining my adventures has afforded me the luxury of truly immersing myself in nature's embrace.

Here's a shot from close to Ben More Assynt in the far north of Scotland. 

These journeys have not only shaped my outdoor prowess but have also been instrumental in nurturing my mental well-being. I've discovered that in caring for Mother Nature, she reciprocates tenfold. And so, with a heart full of gratitude and a desire to pay it forward, I've embarked on this blog – a platform to chronicle my future escapades and inspire others to embrace the great outdoors.

In recent months, I've delved into the art of dehydrating my own backpacking meals – a game-changer in lightening my load without breaking the bank. Take, for instance, this delectable red lentil chili whipped up just last week.

As I dive deeper into the wilderness and share my journey with you, I want to extend a sincere invitation to be a part of it all. Let's swap stories, exchange tips, and inspire each other to seek out the unexplored corners of our world.

And here's the big news: I'm stoked to unveil something I've been working on – my very own online store. It's packed with gear that I've personally tested and trusted, stuff that's tough enough to handle whatever nature throws our way. The storefront will only carry gear that is designed to last, in line with our aim to be as environmentally friendly as possible.

One of the first products I'll be carrying are the Gotoobs by humangear. Compact, leak-proof travel bottles that quickly won me over. The last thing I needed was a slippery mess staining my pricey sleeping bag. Impressed by their performance, I've decided to stock them, alongside a curated selection of their tried-and-tested products.

So, kick back, take a look around, and gear up for your next wild ride. This is where the journey begins, and I'm buzzing to have you along for the ride.

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