From Impulse to Summit: My Unforgettable First Mountain Hike

From Impulse to Summit: My Unforgettable First Mountain Hike

I took Amber on her first wildcamping adventure. She'd been up a few hills in the Peak District but had never seen one of those postcard type mountains before so I was excited to show her the Lake District. Here's what she wrote about it.

Last weekend, I embarked on my first real mountain hike, tackling the infamous Helvellyn and it was an adventure I’ll never forget. It all started on a whim—we booked our train tickets just two nights before the trip, giving us only a day to prepare. Despite the rush, we managed to pack our gear properly, although we did forget a few essentials like sunscreen and lip balm, which we definitely regretted.

Excitement kept me awake the night before, and with only four hours of sleep, I was anxious about the busy day ahead. We woke up at 6 am to catch our 7:50 am train, kicking off our journey to Glenridding. Our route involved a tram, two trains, and a bus getting us to the start point for about 10:30 am . After arriving in Penrith, we took a detour to buy kinesiology tape for my injured knee, still sore from an 11-mile walk the previous weekend. Despite the pain, I was determined to push through.

Upon reaching Glenridding, the mountain loomed above us, looking like a massive hill from the bottom. The climb was beautiful, with stunning views and adorable sheep and lambs along the way. As we ascended the stone steps to the first of three false summits, the village below grew smaller. Finally, we reached a point where we could see Striding Edge. I got nervous about crossing it with my 10kg backpack and injured knee, but it turned out to be the highlight of the hike—thrilling, challenging, and incredibly fun. The notorious chimney, although daunting, was manageable with Joe’s help, who carried my backpack partway down.

After navigating Striding Edge and the chimney, we faced another steep climb on loose gravel and rocks. This section led us to yet another false summit, but the final leg was a relatively flat 10-15 minute walk. Reaching the true summit felt incredibly satisfying, and the views were breathtaking.

By 7:30 p.m., it was time to descend to our camping spot near the lake beneath Striding Edge. The descent via Swirral Edge was the toughest part for me. We mistakenly took a difficult route, and I took off my backpack to make it easier. I tried to throw it onto a ledge but nearly lost it down the mountain. As darkness fell, Joe hurried ahead to set up the tent while I fetched water.

For dinner, I had The Wandering Chef's Bolognese and Parmesn't and Joe had the Katsu Cashew, both were absolutely delicious and after reading the ingredients I understood why. I recognised every ingredient in both meals, which cannot be said for a lot of the other backpacking meals that we've tried. We didn't eat a lot in the day so we also shared a Red Lentil Chili, using this recipe afterwards, which we highly recommend for its flavour. If you’re dehydrating meals for camping, definitely try this vegan chilli. The chilli recipe requires some oil for cooking so we carried olive oil in a GoToob+ Travel Bottle, which was perfect for the trip.

After dinner, we got ready for bed and brushed our teeth, Toothtablets ftw btw! Ready for the long day ahead of descending back to civilization and travelling home.

Reflecting on this spontaneous mountain adventure, I'm filled with a sense of accomplishment and gratitude. From the breathtaking views to the challenging climbs, every moment was a reminder of the beauty and resilience of nature. This experience has taught me the importance of seizing opportunities and embracing the unknown. As I look back on our journey from to the Lakes, I'm reminded that the best adventures often begin with a leap of faith. Here's to more spontaneous moments and unforgettable experiences in the great outdoors.

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